
In her younger days my mother would wear a girdle so rigid, that my childish self would bounce off her well contained hips. Now the girdled trellis supports brittle bones, the full blown roses a symbol of aged and faded grandeur. The burden of age across her shoulders.

Gramma 2019
Stainless steel
90 cms(H) x 85 cms(W) 30 cms(D)
Photo credit; silversalt

Gramma (suspender clip detail) 2019
Stainless steel
90 cms (H) x 85 cms(W) x 30 cms(D)
Photo credit; silversalt


Gramma (embroidery, detail) 2019
Stainless steel
90 cms x 85 cms(W) x 30 cms(D)
Photo credit; silversalt